Covid-19 Vaccine Mandate Protests

Teri Fedler
February 18, 2022

Protesters against mask mandates, testing weekly and quarantine if positive or the Covid-19 vaccine mandates for the opposed, front line workers, large public and safety servants, and transporters of goods and services, hold up signs saying: God’s imm”UNITY” – But many believers of God have been infected with Covid-19 and spread it to others and suffer debilitating health, sickness and disease, and even been hospitalized, intubated and died. The virus knows no bounds or cares about God or Christianity, for that matter. It just wants a host to infect and live in until it dies. Jesus Christ said to the devil (spirit of creation as god) when tempting Him to throw Himself down [into the world] from the pinnacle of God’s holy temple in His city because God would protect Him and will “give His angels charge over you – lest You dash Your foot against a stone” said, “You shall not tempt the LORD your God.” [or put Him to the test with your life, health and body in this world and risk it unto sickness, disease, and even death] (Matt 4:5-6) My Lord, I see another sign saying, “VACCINES DON’T SAVE PEOPLE – JESUS SAVES PEOPLE – MY BODY MY CHOICE” read more...

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