FB post February 15, 2022
Last week, news anchor Lawrence O’Donnell said, “Sometimes, in the fog of the war” – “in the fog of the war on sanity that Donald Trump has been waging for over 6 years” – “something pierces the fog [Truth and clarity] like a bolt of lightning and illuminates” as You said, My Lord, “they will see the Son of Man [or Truth] coming on the clouds” [or the fog/darkness] like a bright and shining Light “with power and great glory” and “He will send His angels with a great sound of a trumpet” [announcing and declaring the Truth] “as the lightning comes from the east and flashes to the west.” “For wherever the carcass is, there the eagles [or vultures] will be gathered together” in darkness feasting on death. O’Donnell said, “Today that bolt of lightning was one word that explains the madness” and “Hakeem Jeffries did it today with one word – the word ‘cult’.” Rep. Jeffries of New York said “The C in RNC doesn’t stand for Committee. It stands for ‘Cult’.” “It’s not the Republican National Committee. It’s the Republican National ‘Cult’. That is the only way you can explain how the GOP would come to the conclusion that people who engaged in rampant mob violence” and “desecrated the Capitol (with urine and feces) and “brutally beat up police officers” and “seriously injured more than 140” and “police officers lost their lives as a result of the events on January 6 [2021]” and “the ‘cult’ says, ‘it’s legitimate political discourse?’” read more....
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