Trump's Wars

Teri Fedler
April 10, 2021
posted on my Facebook pages 04/02/21

TRUMP’S WARS: My Lord & our Father have me gather & post. 

“Donald Trump Jr. says that “Donald Trump is the first president in modern history (who) did not start a new war.” “Trump himself echoed this claim in his last address at the White House, saying that he was the first president "in decades" not to start a war.” 

“Many users pushed back on his claim by citing Jimmy Carter, who didn’t start any wars & is still alive.” “Another approach put forth by the Correlates of War Project, classifies a war as a conflict involving 2 organized armed forces that results in at least 1,000 battle-related casualties. By this definition, Trump did not start any wars, but neither did presidents Carter & Gerald Ford, said Robert Gulotty, an assistant professor of political science at the University of Chicago.” “Trump didn’t enter the U.S. into a fresh, sustained armed conflict with another state, or seek a new congressional authorization for use of force. He frequently criticized American involvement in the Middle East, & he took steps to withdraw U.S. troops from Somalia, Iraq & Afghanistan before he left office. But Trump has used military force in other foreign countries under the broad authorization to use force granted after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. His administration has ordered airstrikes & drone attacks, supplemented allied militaries with U.S. troops, deployed special operations forces in the Middle East & beyond, & ordered the killing of Iran’s Gen. Qassem Soleimani, which critics claim nearly triggered an armed conflict.” “Trump did not seek authorization from Congress for use of military force, or a formal declaration of war against any other country. He did not engage the U.S. in any new protracted conflicts during his 4 yrs in office. But Trump did order & oversee new military operations under existing authorizations, including counterterrorism raids that have spread to several countries in the Middle East & Africa.” 

“DONALD TRUMP’S WAR CRIMES” – “Just 2 ½ months into his presidency, Donald Trump has already distinguished himself as a war criminal. His administration is killing unusually large numbers of civilians, in violation of U.S. & international law.” 

“TRUMP’S WAR ON THE MEDIA” - “‘Enemy of the people” – “War reporting has never been more dangerous, as correspondents are increasingly treated not as neutral observers but legitimate targets. Now there are signs that Donald Trump & his Republican supporters are taking a similar attitude to political journalists, casting them as enemy combatants & fair game for character assassination.” “The US president’s allies are reportedly carrying out “oppo research” – usually reserved for rival politicians – to compile dossiers on individual reporters in an attempt to discredit them. It is the latest front in Trump’s war on the media, which he has identified as a bigger adversary even than political challengers in next year’s election.”

"COVID WAR: The Pandemic Doctors Speak Out" – “No longer working under the Trump admin., 6 leading US health officials now reveal to CNN the real challenges they faced during the nation's fight against Covid-19 over the past year: death threats, mixed messages & in some cases, being kept from sharing information with national audiences.” The nation's doctors - Dr. Birx, Dr. Fauci, Dr. Giroir, Dr. Hahn, Dr. Kadlec & Dr. Redfield - were fighting a pandemic that would claim more than 500,000 American lives, all while navigating a White House fraught with strained relationships & very little mask-wearing.”   A Trump patriot told me that Dr. Fauci just likes to be on t.v.; but March 2020 “Trump Brags About ‘Monday Night Football Type’ Ratings for His Coronavirus News Conferences” - “OH. MY. GOD. He’s excited about his pandemic ratings. People are dying.” “As of Sunday afternoon, confirmed cases of the coronavirus in the U.S. has surpassed 131,000, with more than 2,100 dead. Infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci has said that deaths in the U.S. could reach 200,000.” “Trump went on to write, “Because the “Ratings” of my News Conferences etc. are so high, “Bachelor finale, Monday Night Football type numbers” according to the @nytimes, the Lamestream Media is going CRAZY.”

“TRUMP’S WAR ON AMERICA” - “Trump talks (& tweets) like an autocrat. He clearly would love to control the country like a dictator.” “The most blatant example of the Trump presidency is happening…with the Dept. of Homeland Security deploying on the streets of American cities - what The NYT calls "officials from a group known as BORTAC, the Border Patrol's equivalent of a SWAT team, a highly trained group that normally is tasked with investigating drug smuggling organizations." “These federal agents - driving unmarked vans, wearing battle fatigues without badges, lacking training in crowd control, sometimes responding to protesters with violence - sweep up people on the street & lock them in vehicles without arrest or explanation.” State elected officials have not asked the President for help.” “In fact, they've said the opposite - that actions that look an awful lot like the imposition of martial law are making the disorder worse, as more protesters show up to demonstrate against police-state tactics by the feds.” Either “…the Trump campaign has decided that the president's base will be thrilled by the sight of federal officers dressed in combat fatigues messing with dirty hippies in deep-blue cities…” or “…that Trump & his advisers think that provoking protesters to more radical acts of disorder will make the left look more dangerous & thereby enhance the president's re-election prospects.” “Which would mean that recent actions by federal agents are intended to provoke the very unrest they've supposedly been deployed to quash.” “…the use of force against peaceful protesters in Lafayette Park outside the White House so the president could stage a photo op & deliver a combative speech on national t.v. - failed so miserably.” “The act of deploying military forces trained to combat drug smugglers against citizens exercising their constitutionally protected right to protest would be tyrannical enough.” “But what makes Trump's actions especially toxic is their intentionally escalatory aim - his effort to drive his opponents to deeds that will necessitate even more drastic measures in response.” “Trump is sending federal agents into American cities in order to spark a conflagration with protesters in the hope that the resulting brutal crackdown will make him look like a hero, enable him to win re-election, & allow him to grab even more power in a second term.” “…Trump tore down the rule of law, abused the presidency to enrich himself, & grabbed the bully pulpit of the White House to divide America with racism, sexism & xenophobia...” “Backed into a corner after his incompetence & distrust in science was trampled by a virus that’s killed 105,000 Americans, compounded by 40 million unemployed, & now massive, chaotic protests over the police brutality & racism that he has nurtured instead of combating, the president of the U.S. declared war on the American people.” “Speaking from the Rose Garden as a flash-bang grenade deployed against peaceful protesters echoed from across the street, Trump sounded almost like a satire of a tinhorn dictator as he vowed to “dominate the streets” while invoking an ancient law, the Insurrection Act of 1807, & threatening to use the U.S. military to end the nationwide protests & growing unrest over the killing of an unarmed - black man...” “Less than 2 minutes before the president began his speech, military police & other law-enforcement officers mounted a violent assault on hundreds of seemingly law-abiding protesters across the street from the White House, firing tear gas & painful rubber bullets as the panicked crowd scattered in a shocking split-screen moment.” “It was an obviously staged moment, a reality-TV president unleashing all-too-real-life violence against American citizens who were peacefully exercising their 1st Amendment right to protest - all for the purpose of creating what he thought was the perfect photo op.” “Indeed, the shocking military action to clear the streets allowed the president - who hasn’t been near a church in weeks, & who hasn’t reached out to console any family devastated by the coronavirus - to walk across the street to partially fire-damaged St. John’s Episcopal Church. There, he awkwardly held a Bible aloft, which only served as a reminder of the famous quote of unknown provenance that when fascism finally comes to America, it will be wrapped in a flag & carrying a cross.” “We are teetering on the brink of dictatorship.” (This is our country’s version of what was spoken of by the prophet Daniel happening in Jerusalem by the anti-Christ, “when you see the ‘abomination of desolation’ standing in the holy place…”) 

“TRUMP’S ALARMING WAR ON DEMOCRACY” – “By attempting to steal an election, President Trump is waging a war against American democracy. So far, democracy is winning. But the damage he has inflicted on the country will not end with his presidency, & this won't be the last time we see a charismatic politician with dictatorial tendencies attack the US system of government.” “That is a danger the U.S. cannot afford to ignore.” “One of the most devastating things he’s been doing is to emotionally train Americans not to care about others - to extinguish compassion & extinguish kindness in themselves – he terms it ‘being tough’.” “He’s giving people a license to hate – to provide a source of anger – to go after each other.” - “The virus spreading explosively, like ‘a bomb’.” “When you’re in a period of rising authoritarianism, it’s very easy to get exhausted because the news come at you like bullets from a machine gun – all of it bad.” “He’s the most documented liar in human history (I think – Washington Post publication) at this point.” “Breaking laws & breaking norms – he’s broken every norm of the presidency – lacks remorse - no guilt or anxiety of the destructive things that he does – I had to read thousands of his tweets, & they literally made me ill because it was just one vicious attack & humiliating insult after another – but he enjoys degrading & insulting & humiliating other people.” “'The Most Dangerous Man in the World': Trump Is Violent, Immature & Insecure, Psych Experts Say” – “His biographers have recorded his worldview as saturated with a sense of danger & his need to project total toughness.” “As we know, his father trained him to be a "killer," the only alternative to being a "loser." “Trump has never forgotten the primary lesson he learned from his father & at the military school to which he was sent to be toughened up further. In Trump's words, "Man is the most vicious of all animals, & life is a series of battles ending in victory or defeat."
Trump’s “WAR AGAINST REALITY & TRUTH” - “President Trump is pinning his hopes & presidency on a wild, relentless war against reality & truth, falsely claiming several states are stealing the election by adhering to their laws, rules, & long precedents.”

“These will make war with the Lamb [the Truth & Word of God in Truth], & the Lamb will overcome them, for He is LORD of lords & KING of kings; & those who are with Him are called Chosen & Faithful.” (Rev. 17:14)

Thank you MSN, The Guardian, CNN, The Wrap, The Week, The Philadelphia Inquirer, WTHI-TV 10,
YouTube, Newsweek, Axios, and the New King James Book of Revelation of Jesus Christ,
and my Lord and God and our Father the LORD God in Jesus’s name for the Truth

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