Former Officer Chauvin Convicted of Murdering George Floyd
Teri Fedler
May 11, 2021
My LORD and Father and God’s Wisdom, I saw You and heard Your voice on officers’ body cams before spectators and the crowd arrived telling George Floyd “You aint gonna win man!” and “get in the car!” while he was resisting officers and not getting in the back of their car that ended in death; unfortunately. I heard You warn Mr. Floyd and telling him what to do but he didn’t want to saying he was claustrophobic and got excited and was scared and said he was going to die in that car saying his “breathing is gonna go off on me” and became more and more terrified and hysterical and afraid while You and the officers were telling him to get in the car and he wouldn’t obey them or You. Therefore, they who worked to push him in the back of the more