Former president Trump’s White House secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, and newly elected governor of Arkansas, “offered the Republican response to President Joe Biden’s State of the Union address” Tuesday night, “slamming the administration for ‘high gas prices, empty grocery shelves” and “teaching children to ‘hate one another on account of their race, but not to love one another or our great country.” [Which is false. For Biden worked to bring our gas prices down using federal reserves, and bare grocery store shelves were “due to supply chain issues, inclement weather, and staff shortages caused by the new Covid-19 variant, Omicron” and “critical race theory…explores the ways in which a history of inequality and racism in the United States has continued to impact American society today.” And Donald J. Trump and his MAGA Republican party have been spreading hate, divisive lies and untrue facts, and making false accusations against Democrats and Biden, and teaching people to hate each other based on their political views.] “Sanders drew a significant contrast with Biden by focusing on culture war issues such as race, education and LGBTQ rights in her address. Biden, on the other hand, sought to spotlight bipartisan dealmaking, efforts to combat Russia and China, and plans to boost manufacturing jobs” and sparred “directly with GOP lawmakers and call for action on hot-button issues like guns and immigration,” during his address to the nation.
Sanders also said, “Upon taking office just a few weeks ago I signed Executive Orders to ban CRT (Critical Race Theory), racism, and indoctrination in our schools, eliminate the use of the derogatory term ‘Latinx’ in our government, repealed COVID orders and said never again to authoritarian mandates and shutdowns.” [But mandates were temporarily enforced to help save people’s health and life during a highly contagious global pandemic and keep Americans out of the hospital and morgues until a vaccine could be made, quickly tested and mass produced.] more
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