
Teri Fedler
September 28, 2023

Until we are taken up to Heaven by Jesus in our bodies, we have to remember that Jesus comes to us in Spirit, Truth, and Life from and with His Father and lives and dwells in us who believe, receive, and follow Him as Lord. (John 14:15-21, 15:26, 16:7-15) Therefore, Jesus Christ is our Head and Life while we are His body and covenant life partner on Earth. We are to be “caught up” in Christ by Christ and enter into Him and His Father’s Kingdom in Heaven on Earth in His name and rule and reign with Him in us as Lord, God, King, and Savior from and with His Father the LORD God of Truth and Life. Jesus also said that HE AND HIS FATHER WILL COME TO THOSE WHO LOVE HIM AND KEEP HIS WORD/COMMANDMENTS ON EARTH AND 𝗪𝗜𝗟𝗟 𝗠𝗔𝗞𝗘 𝗧𝗛𝗘𝗜𝗥 𝗛𝗢𝗠𝗘 𝗜𝗡 US WHO BELIEVE AND FOLLOW HIM AS HE IS IN HEAVEN WITH HIS FATHER. (John 14:23) We are His home, body, and temple in which He lives and dwells in us on Earth while we live.

Jesus gathers out of the world those whom He chooses to help Him sow and plant the truth and His Father’s word in the world and produce His fruit from His Truth and Life in His Father’s Kingdom in Heaven on Earth that He inherited. Some will produce 100-fold, some 60, and some 30. (Matt 13:3-8) The “coming of the Son of Man” is also the Spirit, Truth, and Life of Jesus Christ coming to us who are sons (& daughters) of man in His name from and with His Father, who then rise up by the power of the Holy Spirit and teach and preach the truth and His word like a flood and wipe out those of the world; as in the days of Noah when the flood came and took all those away who were of the world. Two will be working or sleeping, and all-of-a-sudden (at a moment & time) Jesus takes one out from among them to work for Him and His Father in His Kingdom on Earth fulltime and produce 100-fold fruit of Jesus Christ while the other remains to work the business, fields, or household and maintain more earthly things and produce less fruit. (Matt 24:37-47) One is “caught up” in Christ (or called out, raptured, or taken up in Christ) and led out of their life and business in the world to gather, teach and preach the truth, His Kingdom, and word of God on Earth and refine it in the fire with Him and work fulltime for the Lord and His Father while the other remains to take care of their earthly things and business. This happened to me and Todd.

“Rapture” isn’t where Jesus takes His chosen people from Earth but takes them “out of the world” on Earth and brings them into Himself and Kingdom in Heaven on Earth in His name, and teaches, corrects, and trains them up in the truth and word of God in truth from the Bible and sends them back out into the world on Earth to testify of Him and His Father’s Kingdom (that He inherited) and be the light in the darkness and calm in the storm and speak and teach the truth as His body with Him as their Head, Truth, and Word. Jesus prayed to His Father and said that He is no longer in the world (because His work was done) but His disciples (who were of the world) are left on Earth to testify of Jesus Christ and do His works and spread the Gospels and are no longer “of the world” as He was “not of the world” but are of Christ as He was and is of His Father in the world on Earth. His Father sent Him into the world, therefore He sent His disciples into the world, and those whom His Father gave Him will be with Him where He is in His Kingdom in Heaven on Earth in His name. Jesus prayed that His Father would NOT TAKE THEM OUT OF THE WORLD but that He would keep them from the evil one. (John 17:11, 14-21, 23-24) 

I am seeing and hearing all the time that “Christians” are not recognizing, hearing, or understanding Jesus Christ in the flesh and life on Earth from and with His Father the LORD God from Heaven and rejecting Him and waiting for another to return in His own body when He comes to us in Spirit, Truth, and Life from the Bible to live and dwell and have His Being in our life and bodies from and with His Father. They are missing out on the Spirit, Truth, and Life of Jesus Christ in their flesh/body and life and not entering into Him and His Kingdom in Heaven on Earth in His name. They are waiting for another Jesus, or rapture, but are not believing and receiving the true Jesus on Earth from and with His Father; nor are they being caught up in Christ or His Kingdom in Heaven on Earth. They are still dead in their sins and alive to themselves as lord and their own god and do not believe Him or like Him in their flesh and life, nor the truth, and refuse to follow.

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