Mpls Sunday Drive & Trump Train

Teri Fedler
August 25, 2020
(family member) MPLS looks like a war zone. My opinion: from what I've read and seen. The 'powers that be' in MPLS as well as other cities have stood by and allowed some of this to happen...then want $$$$$ from the government to 'fix' the mess. Cops in MPLS issued a directive(suggestion) to citizens to 'hand over money, cell phones, valuables to thugs' because 'their (cops) hands are tied'. 

(Teri) From what I saw and heard in the news, the police became overwhelmed & outnumbered by violent protestors that suddenly erupted without warning & could not be contained because of the sheer numbers & violence against them. For protesting & rioting was against the police & law enforcement between black & brown people & the police had no choice but to stand back & watch it all happen because it was far bigger and more outnumbered than they were but were trying to keep other areas safe & contained while there wasn’t enough of them to seize & arrest, or jails to hold them all. 

(family member) It appears that you are anti-Trump which is fine. You certainly have a right to your opinion. We also have our opinion and we are 100% on The Trump train. Do we like everything he does and says...oh my gosh NO...But he is who he is (aren't we all)  
(Teri) “My not voting for Trump (or Biden) has nothing to do with my opinion at all but everything to do with the Truth and facts they present.”  (read more...)

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