A friend on Facebook shared the following video post on 8/1/20 of Congressman Jim Jordan consistently and persistently asking Dr. Anthony Fauci if [Black Lives Matter] protesting increases the spread of the [Covid-19] virus; and should we, the government, limit the protesting because businesses and churches have been limited.
[Teri to SD friend] Not sure how Mr. Jordan “makes him [Dr. Fauci] reveal his own glaring hypocrisy” when Dr. Fauci specifically said and kept repeating that “crowding together when not wearing masks contributes to the spread of the virus”, and kept saying to “avoid crowds of any type no matter where you are because that leads to the acquisition and transmission” and “when you’re in a crowd and particularly not wearing a mask, that induces the spread.” But Mr. Jordan wanted Dr. Fauci to answer if protesting should be limited since businesses and churches were limited. But Fauci kept saying “crowds of any kind”, and “particularly when not wearing masks, should be avoided to prevent the acquisition and spread of the virus”; meaning all kinds of crowds no matter who or where they are; and also said it’s up to the governing officials to decide about limiting protestors or not, and not him. For he doesn’t have the authority to do so but can certainly recommend that everyone either stay home and avoid large crowds and wear a mask when social distancing cannot be practiced, which is what he’s been saying. From what I could see and hear, Mr. Jordan reveals himself to be belligerent and impatient and aggressive and dominate towards Dr. Fauci who kept answering the congressman clearly and thoughtfully and truthfully and honestly and repeatedly, and couldn’t say it any other way to satisfy Mr. Jordan’s question. For people have the right to protest, just like they do to work and worship, but large crowds are not as easily managed and controlled when told to stay home because of a pandemic, and there usually isn’t enough force to stop and prevent it like individual businesses and churches.(read more...)