Just Trust GOD

June 9, 2019

MESSAGE WE RECEIVED ON FACEBOOK IN RESPONSE TO OUR POST: Just TRUST G O D. don't hold on to what you think is "normal"...GOD Will either provide money for your "life" as you've known it, or HE'LL lead you to a life HE Desires for you. Homelessness is not bad! Do you Believe GOD Provides for HIS Servants? don't worry. let go. TRUST HIM!!! Belief is a noun. FAITH is a verb. FAITH requires action. not waiting. stop trying to hold on to your "comfort" you're not comfortable. sleep outside. go where GOD Leads. Relax. HE Feeds and houses satanists. the sun rises on all. How much more will HE Provide for you? stop thinking traditional consumer. heat lights microwaves, body wash. just Stop! TRUST the ONE you claim. just relax. stop trying to hold on. fear is of satan. GOD Doesn't give you a spirit of fear. you don't need a go fundme. just stop this fear based trying to think traditionally. stop using that churches provide housing and cars for their 'pastors'. let GOD Lead. follow. watch the miracles unfold.

OUR FOLLOW UP: Hello…thank you for your response. You said “faith requires action” and “not waiting” and to “let God lead” therefore as He led us to take action for His ministry through us at our present location and start a Go Fund Me page to help maintain residency to house supplies and equipment to type, print, teach and produce His Fruit, as well as start His worldwide ministry as He commanded called opencovenatelife.org that needs a base of operation, we took action, just like you commanded, based on what He told us to do when our money ran out; like when Mary told Him they ran out of wine and He took action and told the servants what to do and they did it. Asking for financial help is NOT what we want to do or have ever done but have had to humble ourselves for His purpose. We are not looking for comfort or holding on to anything with fear and have let go of everything just as He commanded us and have lost our life “as we’ve known it” and everyone we love dearly with great sadness but with concern for the bank and wanting to honor our debt and avoid bankruptcy and absolving it to society, along with paying taxes as Jesus told His disciple to go find money and pay it for Him and them, while He has been leading us out of the ways of this world that led us into excruciating pain and suffering into the Way of Christ Jesus our Lord in complete obedience to Him with fasting and taking on the Life “He desired for us” which is the Life of Christ Jesus with the Spirit of the LORD God doing all that He commands. But so far, it has been HIS WILL that we stay and maintain when not enough business is coming in to do it on our own anymore and our resources are depleted and need help for His purpose; even as we don’t want to stay and would prefer to let the property go but are following His commands, just as you have commanded us to do saying “let God lead and follow” as we have been doing His will, for “faith without works is dead”. We are believing with you that the LORD God, who is the LORD of hosts, will provide for His ministry in us from those in whom His Spirit dwells or have compassion for His Truth and Word and the deceived and the lost.

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