November 3, 2019
The following FB post from the 2nd was brought to my attention with the Lord. “ ‘Philippians 4:4 Rejoice in the Lord Always, I will say again Rejoice. Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything but in everything, by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Jesus.’ Reading Philippians today and this verse really struck a cord. We get so tangled up in life and trying to solve our problems ourselves that we forget we have a God that can give us peace of mind and spirit. We may not get the answer we want but it would be the best answer for you at this time. Have a great day and tell people that me and Jesus love you.”
I sought the Lord Jesus & wrote what He told me to say, “Ah yes, but as the first 3 verses state in Philippians 4, the world & many Christians reveal that they do not “stand fast in the Lord” living in complete submission to the Holy Spirit of Christ Jesus as Lord & God in their flesh for the sake of health, healing and life and His glory obeying His every Word, for they are still living according to the lusts, cravings & desires of their flesh/life in disobedience, sickness, fatigue, oppression, obesity & malnourishment with disease that ends in death; nor do they have “the same mind” as Christ, for they are still living according to their own as lord & god in love with the things of this world & food, drink, family & friends in Jesus’s name in bondage to the things of this world having power & control over them versus Christ Jesus as Lord & God in their flesh with His Father the LORD God by the Power of the Holy Spirit. And the “women” who are truly laboring in the Gospel (like myself) are not being financially helped, supported or believed by most Christians (or the world) because of such unbelief, resistance, rebellion, anger & hatred of His Truth & Word in their flesh. For Jesus said, “Every plant which My Heavenly Father has not planted will be uprooted. But first let the wheat & tares grow together (in each generation) until the harvest (which is now for us), then I will say to the reapers who are My angels, ‘First gather together the tares (all things that offend the Kingdom of God & those who practice lawlessness/disobedience to Christ Jesus as Lord & God in their flesh) & bind them in bundles & cast them into the furnace of fire (of God’s Truth & Word who said, “Is not My Word like a fire and a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces?”), & then gather the wheat (My Truth & Word) into My barn.’ He who does not gather with Me scatters abroad & whoever exalts himself will be humbled & on whomever this Stone (of His Truth & Word) falls, it will grind him to powder. There will be weeping & gnashing of teeth; but the righteous will shine forth as the sun in the Kingdom of their Father. Do not think that I came to bring peace on Earth. I did not come to bring peace but a Sword. And I came to send fire on the earth! The Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth, whom I shall send from My Father will come to convict the world of sin (because they do not believe in Me) & of righteousness (because I leave & lawlessness abounds) & judgment because the ruler of this world is judged.” And as His love, grace, mercy, kindness & gentleness is being made known, “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble”, for He came in grace & Truth/Power. And “As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten. Be zealous & repent, for the time is at hand, & the Kingdom of God has drawn near to you. Believe in the (FULL) Gospel” of JESUS CHRIST as Lord & God in your flesh together with His FATHER the LORD GOD speaking, teaching & preaching ONLY what He commands & has taught you while forsaking your flesh in everything & living in obedience to Him taking on His Life & every thought/belief captive to Christ Jesus as Lord & God in your flesh, being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled, for, “That servant who knew his Master’s will & did not prepare himself or do according to His will, will be beaten with many stripes. And he who did not know, yet committed things deserving of stripes, will be beaten with few. And not everyone who calls Me ‘Lord’ shall enter the Kingdom of Heaven; BUT ONLY HE WHO DOES THE WILL OF MY FATHER IN HEAVEN. Every branch in Me that does not bear (My) Fruit, is cut down & thrown into the fire (by My angels). And every branch that bears fruit, He prunes that you may bear more.” The peace of the One True God guards the hearts & minds of His children who are in covenant with His Son Jesus as Lord & God in their flesh living according to the Spirit of Christ that came from God while forsaking their flesh, just like He did, which transcends all understanding of those who still live according to their flesh. And outside of covenant with Christ Jesus as Lord & God, there is no peace; for the flesh lusts against the Spirit & the Spirit against the flesh & they are in opposition to one another. Many get so tangled, or caught up, in this world trying to live their own life in Jesus’s name that they aren’t living His who is the ONLY one worthy of everlasting life in His Father’s Kingdom in Heaven & on Earth. God always answers His children’s requests, but many are not seeing or recognizing Him in Truth & this life because they don’t like what they see or hear from Him who is LORD & God because they are fighting/battling against Him to keep their own way of life in the flesh & not take on His. Hope you have a great day; and BTW, me & Jesus love you very much! Not everyone knows you or your love, but many have an idea of Jesus & His Father’s whom I tell people about. Thank you for your post.”
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