Freedom of Choice
October 12, 2019
The Lord tells me that the world says “freedom of choice” or “freedom to choose”, but He says
“Follow Me” and “If you love Me, you will obey my Word/Commandments.” In Christ, there’s no such thing as these doctrines of men; only belief and obedience to His every Word and Command in covenant with Him because of love and He is the Son of God born of man that is perfect in every way who loves us and wants us to receive Him as God’s Truth and the Way of righteousness and our Life, and produce His Fruit in abundance for His glory and His Father’s the LORD God. Jesus said,
be perfect as My Father in Heaven is Perfect, for then you will know who the sons of God are; and not just the sons of men. The world says, “I’m only human!” “I can’t be perfect!” But my Lord says, because you are human you can be perfect, and you are the only species on the planet who can be, for God, who is Perfect, is within man; as He tells me, HU (God) and MAN (you) means HUMAN, God within man who reveals that he doesn’t want to be perfect because he doesn’t love God and His Son more than himself and the things of this world, or believe or commune with Him who is everything and give up his life to Him who owns everything, and is weak in his belief and faith, and lazy in his works and life with Christ Jesus as Lord and wants to be his own according to his own beliefs/life, will and perceived freedoms to choose according to his flesh as his own god filled with lies as truth against God and His Son Jesus who said,
“Whatever a man thinks he has will be taken from him. But whoever has My Truth and Word, My Life, will be given more and will have it in abundance.” Praise God and hallelujah!